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Bat Awareness

Our team recently undertook a day's Bat Awareness & Bat Scoping training deliverd by Sue Morgan and David Mitchell from Anglian Ecology. #trees #bats #ecology #training #survey #woodland #habitat #greatoutdoors #ravencrofttrees

February 14, 2023|Mammals, Trees|
Planting native species

A great way to start the new year. Our team recently completed planting a new small wood consisting of native deciduous species. The trees are protected by guards to protect them from animal damage especially browsing deer. These guards shall shall stay in place to nurture the young trees for [...]

January 11, 2023|Trees|
Ancient Yew Trees

The Fraternal Four Ancient Yew (Taxus baccata). In 1803 William Wordsworth Wrote his poem 'Yew-Trees' The trees are at least 1,500 years old possible pre-dating the Romans. Having visited these fantastic trees, it makes you appreciate that our lives are just a blip in comparison to their longevity. #ancienttreeforum #atf [...]

November 3, 2022|Trees|
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