The growing requirements of ever changing planning guidance and legislation plus the current financial climate means that the early consideration of trees with professional arboricultural involvement has never been more important. Resulting delays caused by invalidation of applications or the requirements of pre-commencement conditions are more costly than ever. Failure to demonstrate compliance with conditions can lead to the local planning authority refusing to issue a certificate of lawful development, making resale of the development difficult.
We produce clear, effective and comprehensive documentation to support and inform development projects. We provide advice at an early stage to avoid conflicts and to identify potential planning issues and solutions. We oversee all arboricultural issues from the early stages of planning through to the end of the development. We have many years of practical experience and understand the requirements of the local planning authorities and that our recommendations need to be simple, achievable and cost effective.
- Informal advice on tree constraints and development potential
- Outline masterplan assessments and guidance
- BS5837 2012 tree surveys and pre application reports.
- Feedback on proposed layouts / design guidance summaries
- Desktop surveys for application validation
- Arboricultural impact assessments and arboricultural method statements
- Arboricultural planting and landscaping schemes and method statements
- Subsequent re-assessment of non-material and material amendments
- Working drawings to accompany specific design elements
- Root investigations and reports to inform foundation design
- Site inspections and records of compliance with conditions
- Arboricultural assessments, valuations and reports for appeals against conditions or planning refusal
- Representation for planning committees
- Third party planning objections
- TPO objections, evaluation and reviews
- Management plans for S106 agreements